Visit To Afghanistan

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12th November 2009, 01:10pm - Views: 876

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Minister for Defence

Thursday, 12 November 2009



Yesterday I attended a Remembrance Day ceremony at Tarin Kowt,

Afghanistan, while accompanying the Prime Minister on a visit to our combat


Members of the Australian Defence Force including the Mentoring and

Reconstruction Task Force and the Special Operations Task Group stationed

in Oruzgan province participated in the ceremony. 

Since 2002, 11 Australians have died in the conduct of this mission.

Also attending the ceremony was the Commander of the International Security

Afghanistan Force (ISAF) General Stanley McChrystal.

Australia’s operations in Afghanistan are challenging and dangerous, and

today’s ceremony provided an opportunity to properly recognise the efforts of

the men and women deployed in this operation.

During the trip the Prime Minister and I discussed strategic changes to ISAF

operations with General McChrystal, and received briefings from senior

officers involved in the mission.

Media note: Imagery of the visit is available at:


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Colin Campbell (John Faulkner):

02 6277 7800 or 0407 787 181

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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