Visit Australia's Military And Leadership Academy

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28th August 2009, 02:14pm - Views: 781

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6127 1999, Fax: 02 6265 1545

MSPA 287/09

Friday, 28 August 2009


It’s that time of year when the nation’s military and leadership Academy opens its doors to the

public for its annual Open Day on Saturday, 29 August from 9:00am to 4:00pm. 

The Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) Open Day is a chance for secondary school

students who are interested in combining an undergraduate degree from the University of New

South Wales, with a career in the Navy, Army or Air Force. 

Commandant ADFA, Air Commodore Margaret Staib said, “Open Day is a fantastic opportunity

for school students, parents, Defence employees and members of the community to visit the

Academy, see our facilities and learn about the military training and undergraduate degrees


“Visitors can expect to see a range of military attractions including a Navy helicopter,

Armygeddon, the Air Force balloon, and ADFA’s very own Formula Society of Automotive

Engineers vehicle.

“There will be a flypast by an F/A-18, Military Working Dog displays, outdoor field battle tactics,

fencing, debating and ‘tug of war’ competitions, and people over the age of 16 years can attempt

shooting in the Weapons Training Simulation System. 

Midshipmen and Officer Cadets will be available to conduct personalised tours and to talk about

their military training and the degree programs offered through the University of New South

Wales (UNSW) at ADFA. 

Defence staff will also be able to provide careers and course information and help with

applications to join the Navy, Army or Air Force.

For members of the community who are interested in higher education, UNSW at ADFA staff will

be available to discuss the extensive postgraduate coursework and research programs offered by

the university, which are open to all members of the public, including Defence personnel and

international students. 

“Whether you are after more information about studying at ADFA, considering a career in the

Australian Defence Force or looking for a great family day out, Open Day is one day not to be

missed,” Air Commodore Staib said. 

Open Day will be held on Northcott Drive in Campbell ACT, all are welcome to attend this free

event. The complete program of events is available at

Media note: 

Commandant ADFA, Air Commodore Margaret Staib, ADFA Midshipmen and Officer Cadets are

available for an interview. 

Media contact:

Jennifer Reilly, Public Affairs - ADFA:        0411 403 489

Defence Media Liaison

    (02) 6127 1997 or 0408 498

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