Victorian Bosses To Experience Defence Life

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12th June 2009, 12:50pm - Views: 800

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Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support

Friday, 12 June 2009 



The Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support, the Hon Dr Mike Kelly AM

MP today commended the involvement of a group of 30 Victorian employers

who will spend this weekend (12-14 June) at RAAF Base Williams discovering

the benefits of Reserve service. 

The employers will be participating in Exercise Executive Stretch (EES), a

Defence program designed to allow employers to directly experience the type

of training that their employees undertake as Reservists. It is a great

opportunity to experience first-hand the invaluable skills that can be gained in

the military and transferred to the civilian workplace. 

EES is being coordinated by Defence Reserves Support – Victoria with the

assistance of No. 21 (City of Melbourne) Squadron, Royal Australian Air


“This is a unique opportunity for employers to get involved, as they

experience the military training and lifestyle of a Reservist in the Australian

Defence Force,” Dr Kelly said.

Activities will include team building exercises, leadership training and physical

challenges such as using a water craft, participating in a simulated search and

rescue activity and being involved in a live firing exercise.

“EES highlights the skills Reservists gain from being in the ADF and how

those skills can benefit civilian employers,” Dr Kelly said.


“Furthermore, we want to encourage employers to make use of support

measures available through Defence, including the Employer Support

Payment Scheme or the ESP. The ESP can provide up to $1123.30 per week

to qualified employers who release their employees for Reserve service.”

For information about Australian Defence Force Reserves visit or call 1800 803 485.

Media contacts:

Mark Sjolander (Dr Mike Kelly):


          02 6277 4840 or 0407 102 220

Defence Media Liaison:

               02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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