Uss John S. Mccain Visits Australia For Great White Fleet Centenary Visit

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20th August 2008, 02:08pm - Views: 808

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Minister for Defence

Wednesday, 20 August 2008




The Minister for Defence, the Hon. Joel Fitzgibbon MP, will today attend an

official reception onboard the USS John S. McCain hosted by Robert D.

McCallum Jr, the United States Ambassador to Australia and Commander

Australian Fleet, Rear Admiral Nigel Coates, AM RAN, to mark the centenary

of the ‘Great White Fleet’ visit.

"We are delighted and honoured to host the USS John S. McCain and her

crew during their visit to Australia, just as our forefathers did 100 years ago.

This visit serves to further strengthen the close ties our nations enjoy," Mr

Fitzgibbon said.  

Also in attendance, is the Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Russ Crane, AM CSM

RAN, and a host of dignitaries. 

The Royal Australian Navy is playing host to the United States Navy to mark

the centenary of one of the most celebrated naval voyages of modern times.

The original ‘Great White Fleet’ was sent around the world by President

Theodore Roosevelt and the voyage was undertaken from 16 December 1907

to 22 February 1909 by sixteen new battleships, painted white, from the

Atlantic Fleet. 

The Australian leg of the journey includes visits to Sydney, Melbourne, and

Albany with Her Majesty's Australian ships Darwin and Sirius acting as

escorts throughout the visit.

“The Royal Australian Navy is thrilled to be part of this historic voyage and the

crew look forward to showing our American friends the best Australia has to

offer as we visit Sydney, Melbourne and Albany,” Commander Craig Powell,

RAN the Commanding Officer of HMAS Darwin

The USS John S. McCain, an Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer, is named after

the father and grandfather of the current United States presidential candidate

John S. McCain. Of note, John S. McCain Sr visited Australia in 1908 as part

of the Great White Fleet whilst serving in the battleship USS Connecticut.  

HMAS Darwin is an Adelaide Class Frigate and HMAS Sirius is a Sirius Class

Auxiliary Oiler. 

Media contacts:

Jack Smith (Joel Fitzgibbon):

02 6277 7800 or 0408 116 423

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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