Us Systems Expert To Speak At D I Conference

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1st July 2009, 02:14pm - Views: 804

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6265 3343, Fax: 02 62656946

MSPA 198/09

Wednesday, 1 July 2009


A senior US defence expert on systems and software engineering, Mr Gordon M.

Kranz, will present a global view on military systems integration at the Defence and

Industry Conference in Adelaide on Thursday, 2 July 2009.

Mr Kranz, the Director, Systems and Software Engineering with the Office of the US

Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, is the keynote

speaker for the conference’s Science and Technology session.

Earlier this year the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) and the

Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) established the Defence Systems Integration

Technology Advisory unit as a joint venture to overcome systems integration issues

which can cause significant delays in major Australian defence acquisitions and

platform upgrades. 

The unit aims to enhance ways in which integration risks are identified, understood

and managed.

After 26 years in the military acquisition field, Mr Kranz is well qualified to provide

advice on improving risk management, manufacturing and production quality,

software engineering and system assurance.

Mr Kranz is responsible for all systems engineering and developmental test and

evaluation policy and guidance in support of the US Defense Department’s

acquisition programs.

An important focus for the US reform initiative has been targeted program

assessments designed to identify risks early in the acquisition cycle so that program

outcomes can be improved.

With a strong technical background and extensive experience as a systems engineer

and senior manager, Mr Kranz has provided leadership in major acquisition programs

across the Services.

Media contact: 

Colin Blair (DSTO):

02 6128 6385 or 0416 266 843

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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