Tributes To Australia's First Victory At Sea 95 Years On

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9th November 2009, 01:10pm - Views: 807

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6127 1999, Fax: 02 6265 1545

MSPA 378/09

Monday, 9 November 2009




The Australian Navy is today commemorating the anniversary of the RAN’s first sea

battle, between HMAS Sydney and the German light cruiser SMS Emden. The

confrontation changed the way Australians thought of themselves as a maritime


On 9 November 1914, an urgent signal was sent by the wireless operator on the Cocos

Islands, reporting the arrival of a mysterious warship. HMAS Sydney I, escorting the

first Australian and New Zealand troop convoy to the European theatre of war, was

sent to investigate.

The mysterious visitor turned out to be SMS Emden, which in just two months of war

had already captured or sunk 25 merchant vessels, a Russian cruiser and a French

destroyer. The German ship opened fire first, accurately targeting her Australian

enemy with a salvo every six seconds. A dozen hits were recorded in the first 10

minutes of the engagement, but fortunately for Sydney only five burst. Four

Australian sailors were killed and several wounded. 

Sydney hit back hard. Her 6-inch shells wrecked the enemy's steering gear, shot away

equipment and smashed Emden’s internal communications. Shortly afterwards her

forward funnel toppled overboard, soon followed by the foremast. 

Despite the damage and the inevitable end, Emden fought on. Half her crew were

disabled and her second funnel had gone, before her captain ran her aground in a bid

to prevent further loss of life 

Sydney’s Commanding Officer Captain John Glossop later signaled his German


“ I have the honour to request that in the name of humanity you now surrender your

ship to me… In the event of' your surrendering in which I venture to remind you is no

disgrace but rather your misfortune, I will endeavour to do all I can for your sick and

wounded and take them to a hospital.”

Emden lost 134 men killed in action or died of wounds, but the care lavished on the

injured by the Australian sailors did much to earn the respect of the defeated


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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6127 1999, Fax: 02 6265 1545

Media Releases are available via e-mail if you register at

Royal Australian Navy Historian Dr David Stevens says the RAN was blooded for the

first time that day.  Although highly significant, the battle is sometimes overlooked.

“Australians are very familiar with the ANZAC legend forged at Gallipoli,” Dr

Stevens said. “ but Australia’s baptism of fire came several months earlier, and a lot

closer to home. By removing the German threat at sea the RAN ensured that future

convoys could cross the oceans in safety. No Australian soldier was ever lost to

enemy action on his way to the Middle East.”

The men who fought and died for their respective countries left behind a legacy of

honour, honesty, courage, integrity and loyalty – these are the values which Navy

lives by to this day.


Media Note:


Dr David Stevens from the Sea Power Centre in Canberra is available for interview on


Imagery of Sydney I and Emden can be found at

The original of CAPT Glossop’s signal is also on-line.


Media contact:

LCDR Fenn Kemp:  

      0423 395 416

Defence Media Liaison: 02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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