Tigers Land In Darwin

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6th August 2008, 12:40pm - Views: 874

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Minister for Defence


Minister for Defence Science and Personnel

Wednesday, 6 August 2008



The Army’s capability in the Northern Territory has received a significant boost with

the recent arrival of the first three Armed Reconnaissance Helicopters, ‘Tigers’, to be

based in Darwin.

Speaking at the new purpose built facilities at Robertson Barracks, the Minister for

Defence Science and Personnel, the Hon. Warren Snowdon MP said that ultimately it

is planned to have 17 Tiger helicopters based in Darwin as part of the 1st Aviation

Regiment, forming two flying squadrons – the 161st and 162nd Reconnaissance

Squadrons. These squadrons will be co-located with the Army's 1st Brigade. 

“Embedding the Tiger Armed Reconnaissance Helicopters within the 1st Armoured

Brigade will build a cohesive combat force, where the individuals know and trust each

other as they ready for the demands of modern warfare,” said Mr Snowdon.

The Minister for Defence, the Hon. Joel Fitzgibbon MP, said the Tiger Armed

Reconnaissance Helicopters are a major step forward for the Army’s capability, and

will provide the ADF with highly capable sensors for day and night reconnaissance

and surveillance operations, communication and networking capabilities, and a

formidable weapon system including the Hellfire precision guided missile system and

a 30 millimetre chin mounted gun turret. 

The Tiger is one of the most technologically advanced helicopters of its type in the

world. It is software driven, and constructed using 80 per cent composite materials

which give it remarkable stealth characteristics. 

“It is fair to say that our troops in the north have never had any equipment like this

before, and it is a credit to the ADF and industry based in Darwin that they can

support such an advanced capability,” Mr Fitzgibbon said.

The brand new Tiger helicopter facilities at Robertson Barracks were built at a cost of

$70 million, and were designed and delivered through locally based contractors. The

facilities provide a home base for the Army’s Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter

Regiment and the specialist maintenance and logistic support team from the Tiger

prime contractor, Australian Aerospace.

A total of 22 Tiger Armed Reconnaissance Helicopters will be delivered to the ADF

for $1.2 billion under Defence’s AIR 87 project. All except the first four helicopters will

be assembled in Australia.

Media contacts:

Christian Taubenschlag (Joel Fitzgibbon):

02 6277 7800 or 0438 595 567

Kate Sieper (Warren Snowdon):

02 6277 7620 or 0488 484 689

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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