The White Paper And Darwin

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6th May 2009, 06:31pm - Views: 937

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Minister for Defence

Wednesday, 06 May 2009 



The Prime Minister and the Minister for Defence released the most comprehensive

Defence White Paper ever produced by an Australian Government on 2 May 2009.

The new White Paper affirms the Rudd Government’s commitment to the defence of

Australia, the security and stability of the regional security environment, and a rules-

based global security order.

The primary outcome of the White Paper is to build a future force required for the

defence of Australia and the security of the immediate region.  

This is a White Paper that delivers a comprehensive and balanced Australian

Defence Force.  There is a significant concentration of Australian Defence Force

assets in the Darwin region and this is recognised in the White Paper.

Darwin is, and will continue to be, of significant strategic importance to Defence.  It is

one of two primary locations for mounting ADF operations, and will be essential for

the loading and offloading of the Navy’s Landing Helicopter Dock ships when they

enter service from 2014.

“To maximise the effectiveness of Navy’s new amphibious capability, it is essential to

enhance existing port facilities ahead of the introduction into service of these ships,”

Mr Fitzgibbon said.

The Darwin Port Corporation is planning to further develop East Arm Port, as part of

the Northern Territory Government’s East Arm Wharf Master Plan.  The Darwin Port

Corporation is considering two site options for the provision of a hardened boat ramp

facility at East Arm Port.

While the location of the boat ramp has yet to be finalised, Darwin Port Corporation

has provided its agreement, in principle, to such a facility being constructed to meet

Defence and commercial user requirements.

Defence is working closely with the Darwin Port Corporation and the Northern

Territory Government regarding the Defence contribution towards this proposal.

The Government will fund provision of the hardened boat ramp.  However, as

commercial users may also utilise this facility a joint venture with the Darwin Port

Corporation is being pursued. 

Over the next 20 years, the Navy will be significantly enhanced.  This enhancement

includes 20 new Offshore Combatant Vessels equipped with modular mission

systems that will incorporate the capabilities presently provided by the separate

patrol boat, hydrographic and mine hunter fleets.  Darwin is expected to feature in the

delivery of these vessels.

The new Army force structure will enable our soldiers to operate as combined-arms

teams.  Of note for the Army in Darwin, the new Combat Vehicle System will provide

around 1,100 vehicles with greatly improved firepower, protection and mobility. 

There will also be around 7,000 new support vehicles to completely replace the

various fleets of wheeled transport and logistic support vehicles.  

Linking in with the Navy and Army, the Air Force will assist in providing the strength

to protect and defend our maritime and air approaches.  Through the combination of

skilled people, new highly capable aircraft and weapons, the Air Force will continue

to offer the Government air superiority, maritime strike, long-range strategic strike,

offensive air support and close air support capability options.

“This is a necessary White Paper that brings with it essential reforms of how Defence

is managed to deliver the Defence Force Australia needs and deserves,” Mr

Fitzgibbon said.

Media contacts:

Christian Taubenschlag (Joel Fitzgibbon):

02 6277 7800 or 0438 595 567

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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