Ten-year Anniversay Of Interfet

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20th September 2009, 01:11pm - Views: 830

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Minister for Defence

Sunday, 20 September 2009 



Today marks the 10th Anniversary of the Australian-led International Force for

East Timor (INTERFET), which deployed to Dili on 20 September 1999 to restore

peace and security.  

Reflecting on the success of the mission, Minister for Defence Senator John

Faulkner, paid tribute to the courage and professionalism of Australian and

coalition troops who rapidly worked to assist the fledgling nation and prevent

further bloodshed.

“The speed and effectiveness of Australian forces in stemming the violence

during the early days of INTERFET bears testimony to the quality and

professionalism of Australian troops.”  

At its height, around 5,700 Australian troops consisting of three infantry battalion

groups and a headquarters were deployed as part of the INTERFET mission,

making it the largest deployment of Australian troops since Vietnam. Australian

forces were ably supported by troops drawn from 21 regional and international


“All INTERFET veterans, many of whom were deployed more than once to East

Timor, should be particularly proud of the contribution they have made to regional

security efforts”, the Minister for Defence said. 

“They served their country with distinction and on the 10th Anniversary of

INTERFET, we recall and honour their service.” 

Australian troops from every state and territory, both regular and reserve, have

served in East Timor.  Over the last ten years, approximately 44,000 individual

deployments to East Timor have occurred, and of these, around 2,200 have been


The work of INTERFET and its successor missions have been crucial in

establishing the security conditions necessary for nation building efforts.  

“Australia looks forward to a continued partnership with the government of East

Timor, the United Nations and the international community to further consolidate

stability in East Timor.” 

Media contacts:

Colin Campbell (John Faulkner):

02 6277 7800 or 0407 787 181

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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