Supportive Employers Thanked In Victoria

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10th December 2009, 04:21pm - Views: 850

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Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support

Thursday, 10 December 2009 



The Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support, the Hon. Dr Mike Kelly AM

MP, congratulated a select group of Victorian employers for receiving

Employer Support Awards at an event held at the Melbourne Cricket Ground

last night (Wednesday, 9 December 2009). 

The 2009 Employer Support Awards, attended by more than 200 people,

recognised the outstanding support for Australian Defence Force (ADF)

Reserves by businesses whose workplace policies enabled Reservists on

their staff to fulfil training and Defence service commitments.

“The Australian Defence Force's capability is significantly enhanced by our

Reserve Forces,” Dr Kelly said.

“Reservists are currently deployed on operations overseas and are also

carrying out important roles here in Australia.

“Employer support of Reservists is critical and these awards clearly

demonstrate the value Defence places on the importance of their relationship

with employers.”

Chair of the Defence Reserves Support Council's Victorian Committee, Leigh

Purnell said a diverse group of nominations representing a wide cross section

of the business community had been received.

“It is also pleasing to see the nominations coming from each of the three

Services - Navy, Army and Air Force,” Mr Purnell said.

“The strength of our Reserve base in Victoria is exemplified by the diversity

and commitment of the employers.

“Employers of Reservists gain an employee who is not only twice the citizen,

but one who is capable of being assigned a variety of tasks; an employee who

demonstrates high values and commitment to the business and for what it

stands. Reservists generally bring to the business community additional skill

sets that are highly sought after.”

Head Cadet, Reserve and Employer Support Division Major General Greg

Melick and Mr Purnell presented the awards to the worthy recipients.

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Deakin University 

Goulburn Valley Health 

Alfred Hospital 

Scorpion Engineering 

BAE Systems Australia – Maritime 

Australian Red Cross 

St Vincent’s, Mental Health Service, Melbourne

Hampton Park Baptist Church 

Victoria Police

Department of Justice - Corrections Victoria, HM Melbourne

Assessment Prison

Torus Games

For more information about the awards and the support available for ADF

Reserves and their employers, visit or call

1800 803 485.

Media contacts:

Mark Sjolander (Dr Mike Kelly):  

02 6277 4840 or 0407 102 220 

Deanna Nott (Defence Reserves):  

0438 013 548  

Defence Media Liaison:   

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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