Submariners To Receive Pressurised Escape Training In Australia

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4th August 2009, 04:48pm - Views: 836

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Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science

Tuesday, 4 August 2009 




Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science, today

announced that submariners in the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) will benefit from

pressurised submarine escape training being reinstated following the signing of a

contract with The Underwater Centre Fremantle (TUCF).

“This contract will enable pressurised escape training to recommence at the

Submarine Escape Training Facility (SETF) at HMAS STIRLING,” Mr Combet said.  

“The contract represents an important step in regaining local training capacity and

will allow submariners to gain and maintain their qualifications quicker, in alignment

with Navy’s submarine sustainability strategy.”

“The SETF simulates the escape from a Collins Class submarine including the

effects of water pressure.  Provision of pressurised submarine escape training is a

critical component in the submariner training continuum.

“TUCF will provide instructors to supply SETF services, including in-water submarine

escape simulation.”  

“TUCF has been accredited under the Australian Diver Accreditation System, which

demonstrates that it has the professional, diving, training, assessment and business

competence to deliver diver training to a standard that is recognised internationally

and as industry best practice.”  

Submarine escape pressurised training for RAN submariners is expected to

recommence in Australia late in 2009, following mandatory diver competency training

and assessment of TUCF staff by the Royal Australian Navy.” 

Since early 2009, interim pressurised escape training for RAN submariners has been

undertaken in Quebec, Canada

“By reinstating pressurised submarine escape training, RAN submariners will now

have access to the full SETF capability here in Australia, provided by local industry

through TUCF,” Mr Combet said.  

The contract will be for an initial term of two years for a fixed price of $ 4.32 million.

Media contacts:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet): 02 6277 4771 or 0458 276 619

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664  

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