Students Get A Taste Of Army Life

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23rd June 2008, 06:18pm - Views: 929

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Issued by Coordination and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6265 3343, Fax: 02 6265 6946

CPA 187/08

Monday, 23 June 2008


WHAT:  More than 40 students from suburbs within the City of Hume and beyond

are getting a taste of life in the Army during a two-week work experience program at

Broadmeadows’ Maygar Barracks.

WHO:  Students on work experience at 4th Brigade Combat Service Support


WHERE:  Maygar Barracks, Camp Road, Broadmeadows. Please report to orderly

room for directions.

WHEN:  Tuesday, 24 June 2008 at 10.00am.

Media note:

Army Reserve 4th Brigade’s Combat Service Support Battalion is hosting the work

experience program, with nine local secondary colleges sending students who have

expressed an interest in a military lifestyle.

The students will take part in a range of Army activities over the fortnight, looking at

camouflage and concealment, living in the field, navigation and map reading, firearm

safety and communications.

A trip to a simulated firing range will also be held while students will be encouraged

to build and maintain their fitness through regular physical training sessions.

The students will also enjoy a morning tea with their parents, teachers and community

leaders midway through their fortnight with the soldiers at Maygar Barracks.

Media are invited to attend the morning tea to take photos and interview students as


Media contacts:

Lieutenant Danielle Perkins:  0413 994 144, or 

Captain Damian Melvaine:  0407 303 489.

Defence Media Liaison:  02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664.

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