Stuart Out Of Africa

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23rd December 2009, 03:27pm - Views: 835

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6127 1999, Fax: 02 6265 1545

MSPA 446/09

Wednesday, 23 December 2009


HMAS Stuart recently completed its first patrol in the Middle East Area of Operations

(MEAO), stopping off in the Gulf of Aden for maintenance, re-supply and respite. 

Whilst inbound to the port, Commander of Australia’s Forces in the Middle East, Major

General Mark Kelly, visited the ship, which recently commenced operations in the MEAO.


tasks will include escorting merchant shipping in the maritime corridors of the Gulf of

Aden, as well as tracking and reporting on any piracy.


“On behalf of Joint Task Force 633, I welcome you to Operation Slipper and I wish you well

in your counter-piracy and maritime security efforts,” Major General Kelly said.

During his visit, Major General Kelly also presented a number of medals and awards and

addressed the ship’s company. 

While in port, Stuart received her first full load of mail since deploying; 978 kilograms were

delivered to the ship, with a further 800-plus kilos awaiting delivery, hopefully



The presents and ‘care packages’ sent from loved ones put a smile on the crews’ faces and

reminded them that, although far away, they are in the thoughts of families and friends.

Stuart’s port visit coincided with that of Spanish and Japanese naval ships.

Whilst alongside, Commander Andrew Masters and a number of the crew were given the

opportunity to visit the Japanese warship ‘Takanami’ as part to the Personnel Exchange


Takanami welcomed their Australian visitors with a guided tour of the Destroyer. Stuart

reciprocated, with the Commanding Officer

of Takanami and some of his crew gaining an

insight into life onboard an Aussie warship. 

“The Japanese sailors commented on the comfortable living conditions onboard Stuart, while

our sailors were unanimously impressed by the highly polished brasswork on Takanami,” said

Commander Masters, “Even the upperdeck door hinges were gleaming.”

HMAS Stuart continues to enhance security in the MEAO through her commitment to

counter-terrorism, counter-terrorism and counter-piracy operations.

Media note: Imagery is available at:


Media contact: Defence Media Liaison: (02) 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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