South Australian Employers Acknowledged For Reserve Support

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29th October 2010, 06:18pm - Views: 1161

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6127 1999, Fax: 02 6265 1545

MSPA 506/10

Friday, 29 October 2010

South Australian employers acknowledged for Reserve


EMBARGOED UNTIL 7pm 29/10/2010

A function recognising four employers from South Australia for their support of

Australian Defence Force (ADF) Reserves was held last night (Friday 29th October

2010) at the Adelaide Town Hall.

The event — organised in conjunction with the South Australian Committee of the

Defence Reserves Support Council — acknowledged employers who have supported

their Reservist employees by releasing them to perform Defence service.

To be eligible for such recognition, employers needed to display consistent support of

their employees’ service in the ADF Reserves.

Chair of the South Australian Committee of the Defence Reserves Support Council,

Dr Pamela Schulz said, “These Awards are our way of thanking employers of

Reservists for their contribution to ADF capability. Without their support, our ability to

meet ADF requirements would be considerably reduced. In fact, these employers are

also serving the nation in their own way.”

The function was also held to thank employers who have signed up to the Defence

Reserves Support Supportive Employer Program.  

For more information about the Awards and the support available for ADF Reserves

and their employers, go to or call 1800 803 485


Small Business:

Eastern Sports and Spinal Care 

Medium Business:

Marymount College 

Large Business:

Royal Automobile Association of South Australia inc.


South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service 

State Award:

South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service 

Media Contact:

Defence Media Liaison: 02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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