Skills, Innovation And Productivity Critical To Defence

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25th June 2010, 01:39pm - Views: 783

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Minister for Defence Materiel and Science

Friday, 25 June 2010


Skills, innovation and productivity critical to Defence 

Investment in skills, innovation and productivity is critical to the Federal Government’s plan for

building a more competitive defence industry in Australia, the Minister for Defence Materiel and

Science Greg Combet told industry leaders in Canberra today.

Under the Federal Government’s comprehensive Defence Industry Statement, Building Defence

Capability: A Policy for a Smarter and More Agile Defence Industry Base, released today, the

Government will, over the next five years:

Invest $292.8 million towards innovation, boosting productivity and skills development in the

Australian defence industry.

Create more than 7,500 training opportunities under programs such the Skilling Australian

Defence Industry, Defence Technical Scholarships, Master of Systems Integration, Masters

of Systems Support Engineering and other programs.

Provide up to $188.8 million in funding towards the Defence innovation.  

Mr Combet said that the investment in skills, innovation and productivity underscored the

Government’s commitment to the future of Australia’s Defence industry.

“The Federal Government is committed to helping to build a more competitive and more

productive defence industry in Australia,” Mr Combet said.

“That’s why we have outlined a plan for investment in skills, innovation and productivity to help

the industry develop its workforce and gain a competitive edge.”

Mr Combet said that skills and innovation was a key driver of productivity and the Government’s

investment would better position Australia’s defence industry in the global market.

“Australia’s defence industry cannot maximise its productivity and its competitiveness without

increasing its capacity for invention and discovery,” Mr Combet said.

“The Government investment in skills, innovation and productivity will ensure the sector has the

best chance of competing against others around the world.”

Media contacts:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet):

02 6277 7620 or 0458 276 619

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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