Sergeant Brett Till Begins His Journey Home

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22nd March 2009, 02:19pm - Views: 798

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Issued by Coordination and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6265 3343, Fax: 02 62656946

CPA 098/09

Sunday, 22 March 2009


Mates of Australian soldier, Sergeant Brett Till, bid farewell to a friend and colleague

during a solemn ramp ceremony in Tarin Kowt, southern Afghanistan on Saturday, 21

March 2009.

Sergeant Till, from the Sydney based Incident Response Regiment, was serving with the

Special Operations Task Group (SOTG) when he was killed-in-action attempting to

render safe an Improvised Explosive Device discovered during a patrol.

Led by Engineers from the Mentoring and Reconstruction Task Group (MRTF) and

accompanied by SOTG colleagues, a cortege of vehicles including a patrol vehicle

bearing Sergeant Till’s flag draped casket, passed solemnly along a route lined by

members of the MRTF and representatives from coalition forces in Oruzgan.

On the dusty airstrip at Tarin Kowt, his casket was carried by eight of his mates into the

RAAF C-130 Hercules aircraft that would shortly begin the journey home to Australia.

In his address at the ceremony, the Commanding Officer of the SOTG, said Sergeant

Till’s death was not in vain.

“Without question, Brett’s work on the day he died saved the lives of his mates.”

“He was a man who, with his team, would deliberately place himself directly between

dangerous and unstable high explosive devices and the soldiers of SOTG on a daily basis,

in order to ensure that they could carry out their important mission to make this country a

safer place. I have the highest personal and professional regard for this selfless and

dedicated Australian soldier”.

“Brett will be forever remembered both here and at home as a bloke that made a

difference and saved lives.”

Sergeant Till will arrive in Australia later this week. Details of his arrival in Australia will

be advised when confirmed.

Media Contact: Defence Media Liaison 02 6265 3343 or 0408498 664

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