Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Selection of electronic warfare system for
Air Warfare Destroyer
Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Materiel and Science, today announced
that the Air Warfare Destroyer Alliance has selected ITTEDO
Reconnaissance and Surveillance Systems, Inc as the preferred supplier for
the electronic warfare system for the Hobart Class Air Warfare Destroyers
This is a modern electronic warfare system that uses proven technology and
delivers the right capability and value for money. The solution also involves
Australian companies and incorporates home-grown technology, Mr Combet
Electronic warfare covers the detection and classification of radar
transmissions and the interception of communications signals. This system
will allow the AWD to gain increased awareness of land, air and seaborne
threats, giving the AWDs a capability edge.
The ITT solution is based upon equipment used by several navies from
around the world. The equipment includes the ITT ES-3701-02S system for
the detection and identification of radars, and the Southwest Research
Institute MBS-567A system for intercepting communication signals.
ITT is teaming with Jenkins Engineering Defence Systems, Sydney, and Ultra
Electronics Avalon Systems, Adelaide to deliver its solution.
This strongly supports the Australian Governments objectives for Priority
Industry Capabilities in the area of electronic warfare, by enhancing the
knowledge and capability of local industry in this important area.
Avalon Systems will be upgrading its multi-purpose digital receiver and
integrating it with the ITT system. Jenkins Engineering will supply its low band
receiver, integrate and conduct land-based testing of the complete system in
Jenkins Engineering will also install and test the equipment in the AWDs.
This work will build upon their experience with the ITT equipment fitted to the
Collins class submarines, extending their capability to support latest
generation electronic warfare systems.
The value of the contract is worth around $30 million.
Media contacts:
Rod Hilton (Greg Combet):
02 6277 7620 or 0458 276 619
Defence Media Liaison:
02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664