Sa Employers Awarded For Supporting Defence Reserves

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28th November 2009, 12:29pm - Views: 751

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Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support

Saturday, 28 November 2009




The Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support, the Hon. Dr Mike Kelly AM, MP, has

congratulated the 28 South Australian employers who were recognised last night (27

November 2009) for their support of Australian Defence Force (ADF) Reserves.

The event, organised by the South Australian Committee of the Defence Reserves Support

Council (DRSC), and held at the State Library in Adelaide, recognised employers who have

supported their Reservist employees with workplace policies that allow them to render

Defence service.

ABC Radio personality Sonya Feldhoff announced the winners, before Dr Pamela Schulz,

Chair of the South Australian Committee of the DRSC, presented the awards to the deserving


Dr Kelly, offered his congratulations to the award recipients saying, “Our Reserve forces

significantly enhance Defence capability, particularly their support of current operations. 

Without the generous assistance of employers, such as those represented at the Awards last

night, it would not be possible for many Reservists to be released from their full-time


“Working closely with industry in building mutual understanding and providing financial and

other support for employers is critical.  These awards clearly demonstrate the value Defence

places on the importance of their relationship with employers and industry,” Dr Kelly said.

For more information about the Awards and the support available for ADF Reserves and their

employers, go to or call 1800 803 485.


State Employer of the Year:

Adelaide Airport Limited

Small Business Category:

Churches of Christ in SA & NT Inc

Medium Business Category

Conroy’s Smallgoods Pty Ltd

Large Business Category:

Baptist Care (SA)

Government Category:

Department of Correctional Services

Several businesses have been highly commended:

Small Business Category:

South East Vet Service


Government Category:

Children, Youth and Women’s Health Service –

Women’s and Children’s Hospital

Warrant Officer and Non-Commissioned Officer Academy South Australia Wing

Individual Recognition:

Associate Professor Andrew O’Neil and Doctor Maryanne Kelton  – Faculty of Social

Sciences, School of Political and International Studies: Flinders University

Media contacts:

Mark Sjolander (Dr Mike Kelly):

02 6277 4840 or 0407 102 220

Deanna Nott (Defence Reserves):

0438 013 548

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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