Review Of Defence Capability Planning Information

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29th October 2009, 04:53pm - Views: 771

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Minister for Defence


Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science

Thursday, 29 October 2009



John Faulkner, Minister for Defence, and Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel,

Materiel and Science, today announced that the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) will

shortly commence a review of the availability of Defence capability planning information to


Foreshadowed at the 2009 Defence + Industry Conference in Adelaide in July this year, the

review seeks to improve the content, quality and utility of publicly available information in the

Public Defence Capability Plan (DCP).  The Public DCP 2009 outlines over $60 billion of

projects to support the Government’s 2009 Defence White Paper.      

The review will be undertaken by Mark Thomson from ASPI and Leigh Purnell, former Executive

Director AiG Defence Council.

“The review of the Public DCP will look at ways of helping companies to plan for the long term

investment and skilling necessary for Australian industry to support the ADF”, Senator Faulkner


“It is aimed at helping industry to prepare tenders for upcoming Defence capital equipment

projects and to contribute to the Government’s Strategic Reform Program.”

The review by ASPI, which is expected to be completed in two months, will identify options for

the way planning information is presented to industry in the future. 

“It will take into account the need to balance between the investment needs of industry, the

commercial position of the Commonwealth and the level of detail with which future plans can be

reliably forecast,” Mr Combet said.  

“The review will make special provision for the information requirements of small-to-medium

sized enterprises including their ability to interpret and access Defence planning data. 

“It will also include an assessment of the detail that is provided to industry on the Priority

Industry Capabilities.  

“SMEs provide vital support to the ADF, directly and through major prime-contractors. The

review will investigate ways of helping these companies to better access and understand

Defence plans, including the links between projects” Mr Combet said.  

The Government will consider public release of the report once it is received. 

Media contacts:

Colin Campbell (John Faulkner):

02 6277 7800 or 0407 787 181

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet)

02 6277 7620 or 0458 276 619

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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