Report Of The Board Of Inquiry Into The Crash Of Black Hawk 221 Released

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15th July 2008, 11:14am - Views: 809

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Issued by Coordination and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6265 3343, Fax: 02 62656946

CPA 223/08

Tuesday, 15 July 2008



Chief of the Defence Force, Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston today released the

report of the Board of Inquiry into the crash of Black Hawk 221.

On 29 November 2006, an Australian Army Black Hawk helicopter (Number 221)

from 171 Aviation Squadron, crashed while operating with HMAS Kanimbla in

international waters southwest of Suva, Fiji.

Elements of the Australian Defence Force were on standby to possibly evacuate

Australians from Fiji in the lead up to the military coup.

The Black Hawk was carrying four crew and six soldiers from the Special Air Service

Regiment when it crashed and sank.  Nine of the 10 service personnel were rescued

from the water.  Of those nine personnel, Captain Mark Bingley, the pilot, later died

from his injuries.  Trooper Joshua Porter, a passenger, was unaccounted for and

presumed dead.  His body was recovered from the seabed on 5 March 2007.

Following the crash, the Chief of the Defence Force commissioned an inquiry to

determine the facts and circumstances surrounding this incident and to make

recommendations to reduce the risk of further incidents of this nature occurring again.

The Board was presided over by a civilian President, retired NSW Supreme Court

Justice, Hon. David Levine RFD QC.  The Board also comprised two Australian

Defence Force members: Group Captain Stephen Fielder AM and Commander

Andrew Rourke RAN.

“The principal and overarching finding of the Board of Inquiry was that the cause of

the crash of Black Hawk 221 was pilot error by the aircraft captain,” Air Chief

Marshal Houston said.

“Justice Levine stated that the principal finding, however, could not be viewed in

isolation nor blame attributed to a highly experienced and well-respected Black Hawk


“This accident was the regrettable result of a number of factors coming together

which culminated in this tragic incident.  There was a gradual adoption of approach

profiles which, on occasions, exceeded the limits of the aircraft.  Other factors

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Issued by Coordination and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6265 3343, Fax: 02 62656946

Media Releases are available via e-mail if you register at

included a ‘can do’ culture in the Squadron, inadequate supervision, the pressures of

preparing for operations, the relocation of the Squadron and a high operational tempo.

“I have agreed to 56 of the 58 recommendations made by the Board.  These

recommendations are all aimed at making Special Operations flying safer.”

These recommendations include regular external auditing of the Squadron to validate

flying tactics, techniques and procedures against doctrine and approved flying

standards and redesigning the Special Operations approach.

In addition to the recommendations of the Board of Inquiry, Army has already put

into place a number of initiatives to improve safety in the Squadron.

Army issued its new risk-management policy in October 2007.  It provides

commanders with clear instructions on how to conduct risk management on

operations and in training.  The Special Operations Approach has been reviewed and a

new procedure has been developed that provides pilots with clear instructions on

conducting the approach while maintaining appropriate safety margins.  Command

and supervision of the Squadron has been strengthened with the establishment of a

new Headquarters known as 6 Aviation Regiment.

“Today our thoughts are with the families of Captain Bingley and Trooper Porter –

their loved ones served our nation proudly and we will remember them.  They have

asked that their privacy be respected during this difficult time,” Air Chief Marshal

Houston said.

“I hope this BOI report answers some of the questions they have about this tragic

accident and the circumstances surrounding the loss of their loved ones.”

Media Note: A redacted version of the report will be made available at:

The redacted report has had operationally and personally sensitive information

redacted to ensure that the release does not jeopardise the safety or privacy of

Australian Defence Force personnel.

Information and transcripts from the Board of Inquiry into the crash of Black Hawk

221 can be found at:

Media contact: Defence Media Liaison: 02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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