Operation Kiribati Assist

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8th August 2008, 06:29pm - Views: 909

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Minister for Defence

Friday, 8 August 2008



The Minister for Defence, the Hon. Joel Fitzgibbon MP, has announced that an

Australian Defence Force (ADF) Joint Task Force has deployed to the small Pacific

Island nation of Kiribati to commence Operation Kiribati Assist.

Operation Kiribati Assist is the ADF contribution to Australia’s response to a request

from the Government of Kiribati to assist in the disposal of World War II unexploded

ordnance (UXO) from locations throughout Kiribati.

The Kiribati islands were occupied by the Japanese during World War II and most

UXO encountered in Kiribati are remnants from this conflict, and include military

ordnance such as artillery projectiles, aerial bombs, rockets, mortars and mines.

Minister Fitzgibbon said that Joint Task Force (JTF) 637 deployed to Kiribati on a

Royal Australian Air Force C-130 Hercules and will dispose of UXO identified during

a 2007 reconnaissance of the islands and scope any future UXO disposal

requirements and Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) training opportunities for the

Kiribati Police Service during their deployment.

“JTF 637 is being deployed to Kiribati over the period 7-26 August 2008 and primarily

comprises EOD personnel, whose function is to render-safe UXO,” Minister

Fitzgibbon said.

“The JTF comprises approximately 22 people, including a Command Group, a Royal

Australian Navy Clearance Diving Team to handle underwater UXO, Army and RAAF

EOD teams who will handle land-based UXO, including air-delivered items and a

Medical Team. 

“Kiribati locals deserve to be free from the threat posed by UXO, which endangers

their safety.  Cooperative local community engagement to date has been successful

in identifying UXO for disposal.

“The ADF has world-class skills, expertise and capability in conducting explosive

ordnance disposal and is happy to be assisting our regional neighbour with this

important work.  Operation Kiribati Assist enables the Australian Government to

support the Government of Kiribati and the local population in clearing the threat

posed by unexploded ordnance,” Minister Fitzgibbon said.

Media contacts:

Christian Taubenschlag (Joel Fitzgibbon):

02 6277 7800 or 0438 595 567

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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