Oil Workers Give Their All

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27th April 2009, 03:41pm - Views: 883

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6265 3343, Fax: 02 62656946

MSPA 131/09

Monday, 27 April 2009



When you live and work on an oil platform in the middle of the Timor Sea dealing

with a civilian mass casualty emergency is an unlikely scenario.

Regardless, it was exactly what the crew of the Floating Production, Storage and

Offload facility Front Puffin faced when HMA Ships Childers and Albany arrived on

the afternoon of April 16th.

Survivors from SIEV 36 were taken aboard HMAS Childers and HMAS Albany then

rushed to the oil platform to be further treated and evacuated to Australian medical


Commander Northern Command, Commodore David Gwyther praised the support of

the oil workers “The job done by the crew of the Front Puffin in helping treat the

injured was outstanding”.

“At short notice they prepared a medical staging area that helped treat the casualties

and facilitated their evacuation via the helicopter platform” he said. 

“They were part of an outstanding multi-agency, multi jurisdictional evacuation

effort. I was very pleased to be able to meet and thank the Front Puffin team in

Darwin when some of these terrific people came ashore. I hope they all know what an

awesome job they did”, Commodore Gwyther said.

HMAS Childers Medical Officer, Flight Lieutenant Joleen Darby, said the support

and the commitment of the workers on Front Puffin in helping with the injured was


“They gave up their beds and mattresses and just wanted to help with anything,”

Flight Lieutenant Darby said.

“Whatever I asked for would happen,” she said.

“They were holding up IV bags for the injured, giving them comfort and some were

even helping them to pray.” 

Commodore Gwyther presented Aibel Operations Manager, Mr Mike Stafford, with

an engraved Northern Command plaque and Northern Command memento coins for

every person on the Front Puffin as a token of appreciation from the ADF and Border

Protection Command.

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6265 3343, Fax: 02 62656946

Media Releases are available via e-mail if you register at www.defence.gov.au/media

Media note: A photo of the presentation is below. Additional imagery of the Front

Puffin’s rescue efforts is available at

Photo 1: L-R: Commander Northern Command, Commodore David Gwyther,

presents a plaque to Aibel Operations Manager, Mr Mike Stafford.

Media contact: LEUT Brooke Olds, NORCOM Military Public Affairs Officer (08)

8935 8474 or 0409 662 802

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