Northern Territory Employers Honoured For Support To Defence

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3rd December 2009, 06:06pm - Views: 818

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Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support

Thursday, 3 December 2009




The Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support, the Hon. Dr Mike Kelly AM MP,

congratulated a select group of Northern Territory employers for receiving Employer

Support Awards at an event held in Darwin last night (Wednesday, 2 December). 


The award ceremony held at the Novotel Darwin Atrium was attended by more than 100

people. An annual event, the 2009 Employer Support Awards recognised the outstanding

support for Australian Defence Force (ADF) Reserves by businesses whose workplace

policies enabled Reservists on their staff to fulfill training and Defence service



“Our Reserve Forces significantly enhance Defence capability, particularly in their

support of current operations here and on deployments overseas,” said Dr Kelly. 


“Working closely with employers, building mutual understanding and providing financial

and other support is critical. These awards clearly demonstrate the value Defence places

on the importance of their relationship with employers.”

Deputy Chair of the Defence Reserves Support Council’s Northern Territory/Kimberley

Committee, and Chief Executive of the Chamber of Commerce NT, Chris Young said that

a strong relationship between Reservists and their employers was vital to the ADF. 

“The commitment shown by all of this year’s finalists to their Reserve personnel has been

outstanding and bodes well for future recruitment opportunities,” Mr Young said.

“Many employers are recognising the benefits that accrue to their business from

employing staff with the skill set that comes from being Reserve personnel.

“The partnership between industry and Defence to support Reserve personnel could not

be better illustrated than with those who have been nominated for this year’s awards.”


Employer of the Year 2009 – Australian Federal Police – Aviation

Small Business – Barker Hume Homes Ltd, Alice Springs

Medium Business – CDE Capital Pty Ltd, Darwin

Large Business/Government – Australian Federal Police


For more information about the awards and the support available for ADF Reserves and

their employers, visit or call 1800 803 485.

Media contacts:

Mark Sjolander (Dr Mike Kelly):  02 6277 4840 or 0407 102 220 

Deanna Nott (Defence Reserves):  0438 013 548  

Defence Media Liaison:   02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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