Northern Command Hq To Remain In Darwin

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27th January 2010, 01:31pm - Views: 1322

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Minister for Defence

Wednesday, 27 January 2010



Defence Minister, Senator John Faulkner, today announced that the

Australian Defence Force’s Northern Command (NORCOM) Headquarters

would remain in Darwin.

Senator Faulkner made the announcement at the opening of the Pacific 2010

International Maritime Congress in Sydney.

The Government has considered the roles and functions of NORCOM

Headquarters within the context of previous border protection reviews and has

directed that NORCOM is to be retained in Darwin.

Senator Faulkner said in considering the range of Defence, border protection

and whole of government priorities the Government had formed the view that

the retention of NORCOM in Darwin was in Australia’s best interests.

“Given the strategic importance of the north of Australia and its approaches

and the important role that NORCOM plays across a number of

Defence tasks, I have decided that NORCOM should be retained in Darwin. 

“NORCOM has served the ADF and the people across the north of Australia

for over 21 years, making a very significant contribution during that time.”

NORCOM commands and coordinates Australian Defence Force (ADF)

activities across the north of Australia.  This includes ADF operations in the

north, controlling Defence’s contribution to border protection operations on

behalf of Commander Border Protection Command, ADF disaster and

emergency management response, major ADF deployments through Darwin

and representing Defence’s interests and engaging with the communities of

the Northern Territory and the Kimberley.

Senator Faulkner said with retaining NORCOM in Darwin he has asked

Defence to examine any opportunities to make savings in support of

Defence’s Strategic Reform Program. 

Media contacts:

Colin Campbell (John Faulkner):

02 6277 7800 or 0407 787 181

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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