New Reconstruction Task Force Takes Reins In Afghanistan

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18th April 2008, 04:34pm - Views: 799

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Minister for Defence

Friday, 18 April 2008




The Minister for Defence, the Hon. Joel Fitzgibbon MP, has today

congratulated the Commanding Officer of the Reconstruction Task Force

Three (RTF-3), Lieutenant Colonel David Wainwright, and his men and

women, after completing a demanding six-month tour in Afghanistan.

Mr Fitzgibbon said despite the constant threat of attack by Taliban extremists,

the soldiers of RTF-3 continued to make a significant contribution to the

people of Oruzgan Province.

“The Reconstruction Task Force successfully built patrol bases and check-

points in the previous Taliban strong-holds of the Chora Valley and

Dorafshan.  These efforts alone have brought security and stability to the local

people,” Mr Fitzgibbon said.

“Australia’s reconstruction efforts in the region, the security partnership we

share with our Dutch colleagues and the Afghan security forces, and the

constant pressure applied by our Special Forces is eroding Taliban resolve.”

However, Mr Fitzgibbon said despite the advances made by the International

Security Assistance Force (ISAF), Oruzgan and southern Afghanistan

remained dangerous.

“My thoughts remain with the families of Sergeant Matthew Locke, Private

Luke Worsley and Trooper David ‘Poppy’ Pearce who were killed in the line of

duty last year in Afghanistan.  With ANZAC Day a week away, it’s fitting for

Australia to remember the contribution these service personnel, and those

who serve and have served on overseas duty, make in the nation’s interest.”

Mr Fitzgibbon said the current rotation of troops had achieved major

milestones in the past six months, including the construction of three Afghan

National Army check-points in the Chora Valley, two patrol bases in

Dorafshan as well as expanding a patrol base into a Forward Operating Base.

The civil works program has also continued with the ongoing construction of

the Eastern Causeway (US$1.2M), Tarin Kowt Provincial Hospital

(US$1.25M), Afghan Health and Development Training Centre (US$1.66M),

Yaklengah Health Centre (US$322,000), Tarin Kowt Waste Management

Government Defence Defence Public Affairs 3 image

(US$420,000), Tarin Kowt Primary School (US$1.59M) and Tarin Kowt Boys’

High School (US$280,000).

Mr Fitzgibbon also expressed his best wishes to the Commanding Officer of

RTF-4, Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Yeaman, and his personnel, who are about

to embark on an equally challenging time in Afghanistan.

“RTF-4’s mandate will continue with reconstruction of local infrastructure and

community-based projects to assist the Afghan Government achieve a stable

and secure future for its people.”

The incoming task force consists of more than 400 combat engineers,

infantry, cavalry and support staff, the majority based in Brisbane and Sydney.

The Townsville-, Sydney- and Brisbane-based soldiers of RTF-3 will return

home throughout April and early May.

Media note:

Vision will be fed to networks at Parliament House.  Imagery is available for

download at

Media contacts:

Christian Taubenschlag (Joel Fitzgibbon):

02 6277 7800 or 0438 595 567

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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