New Empire Takes Out Navy's Song Battle

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22nd November 2008, 04:06pm - Views: 847

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Minister for Defence Science and Personnel

Saturday, 22 November 2008



The Minister for Defence Science and Personnel, the Hon. Warren Snowdon MP,

today congratulated the band New Empire on winning Navy’s ‘Song Battle’

competition with their track ‘Hero’.

“I am pleased and excited to be able to offer my congratulations to the members of

New Empire for writing Navy’s new anthem,” Mr Snowdon said.

“This is an exciting time for both Navy and New Empire as they work together

towards the release of the new Navy brand advertising campaign in January next


New Empire is a young band from Cronulla, on Sydney’s southern beaches.

During the course of the competition there were 149 entries received on the

dedicated MySpace Song Battle home page with 19,364 page views and 11,446

votes cast.

“While there can be only one winner, there was an incredible response to the call for

a song to evoke the adventure of a Navy career, and I thank everyone who entered,

and stand impressed by the obvious talent of all the Australian musicians that took

part,” Mr Snowdon said.

“This is just another example of the innovative marketing campaigns that Defence

Force Recruiting is utilising to highlight what Navy, and the Australian Defence Force,

has to offer young Australians.

“Winning the Navy Song Battle is an incredible opportunity for New Empire and also

an opportunity for the Royal Australian Navy to engage with young Australians

through music and highlight the positive and rewarding aspects of a Navy career.

"From engineering through to hospitality, IT and health care, the Navy offer young

men and women a huge range of exciting careers and training as they also

experience the satisfaction of helping to defend Australia and provide humanitarian

aid for our regional neighbours.”

New Empire will now work with Defence Force Recruiting and George Patts Y&R

advertising agency to develop the Navy’s new television commercial, to be launched

in early 2009.

It hear the winning song head straight to

Media contacts:

Kate Sieper (Warren Snowdon):

02 6277 7620 or 0488 484 689

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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