New Defence Leadership Team Commences

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3rd July 2008, 05:18pm - Views: 848

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Minister for Defence

Thursday, 3 July 08



A new senior military leadership team will take over command of the Australian

Defence Force tomorrow.

The Minister for Defence, the Hon. Joel Fitzgibbon MP, said the Prime Minister,

Kevin Rudd had announced changes to the leadership team earlier this year.  These

changes involved new appointments to the positions of Vice Chief of the Defence

Force, Chief of Navy, Chief of Army and Chief of the Air Force.

“The Chiefs of Navy, Army and Air Force will retire today from the Australian Defence

Force having completed their terms in office.

“On behalf of all Australians I would like to thank Vice Admiral Russ Shalders,

Lieutenant General Peter Leahy and Air Marshal Geoff Shepherd for the valued

contribution they have made to the Navy, Army and Air Force.

“They have had distinguished careers in the military.  I thank them for their

commitment and hard work in defending and protecting our nation and maintaining

our capability.  I wish them all the best in their retirement from the Australian Defence

Force,” Mr Fitzgibbon said.

The Australian Defence Force will retain an experienced leadership team.  From

tomorrow Lieutenant General David Hurley, previously the Commander Joint

Operations, will be the new Vice Chief of the Defence Force.

New Service Chiefs will also take over command of the Navy, Army and Air Force: 

Vice Admiral Russ Crane will become the Chief of Navy, Lieutenant General Ken

Gillespie will become the Chief of Army, and Air Marshal Mark Binskin will become

the Chief of Air Force.

The current Chief of the Defence Force, Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston, will

continue to command the Australian Defence Force.  Each of these appointments to

the Defence leadership team is for a three-year term.

Mr Fitzgibbon said he was looking forward to working with the new Defence

leadership team.

“These senior military officers have considerable operational experience.  I am

confident that they will provide strong and effective leadership to the Australian

Defence Force and continue the high standards of military professionalism the

Australian Defence Force is renowned for,” Mr Fitzgibbon said.

Media contacts:

Christian Taubenschlag (Joel Fitzgibbon):

02 6277 7800 or 0438 595 567

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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