New Contract To Support Adf Recruiting

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15th December 2009, 01:52pm - Views: 842

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Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science

Tuesday, 15 December 2009



A new two year contract to deliver the Australian Defence Force (ADF)

recruiting services with Manpower Services (Aust) has been signed. 

“This new contract will ensure continuity of recruitment operations and

processing of applications for the Navy, Army and Air Force,” said Mr Combet. 

“All applicants for enlistment and appointment to the ADF are assured that

their applications will continue to be processed throughout the transition

period of this contract.

“The recruitment results this year have so far continued to be encouraging.

“By 1 November 2009, 2,286 full-time members had enlisted into the ADF.

This equates to 93 per cent of the year to date target and is 372 more

members enlisting than in the same period 12 months prior.


“The number of ADF recruitment enquiries has increased by about 35 per

cent, while there has been an increase of approximately 16 per cent in the

number of applications,” said Mr Combet.  

The transition of services from Chandler Macleod Group (CMG) to Manpower

will take place over the coming months.

This new contract is an interim arrangement while longer term arrangements

are finalised following the termination by agreement of the contract with CMG

for the provision of ADF recruiting services.

Manpower was previously identified as having the capability to deliver ADF

recruiting services during the 2008 open tender process conducted by


The contract for the interim arrangement was developed in accordance with

the Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines and has been evaluated as

providing value for money. 

Media contacts:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet):

02 6277 7620 or 0458 276 619

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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