New Chief Defence Scientist Appointed

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5th September 2008, 12:37pm - Views: 854

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Minister for Defence Science and Personnel

Friday, 5 September 2008



The Minister for Defence Science and Personnel, the Hon. Warren Snowdon MP,

announced today that Professor Robert Clark will be appointed as Chief Defence

Scientist and head the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO).

“Professor Clark brings significant national and international expertise and a strong

background in scientific research and is an eminent scientist in the field of quantum

computing,” Mr Snowdon said.

“Professor Clark has also held senior appointments within universities and research

councils and has extensive experience in collaborating with industry, government and

defence agencies within Australia and overseas.”

He currently holds several professorial and director appointments, including Director

of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computer

Technology within the University of New South Wales; a role which encompasses

scientific leadership in cutting-edge quantum computing research along with

governance of the Centre’s operations.

“Professor Clark is also a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science and was an

inaugural Australian Government Federation Fellow,” said Mr Snowdon.

“He has a genuine connection with Defence, having joined the Royal Australian Navy

(RAN) as a Cadet Midshipman in 1969,” said Mr Snowdon.

“Following graduation from the RAN College and with a Bachelor of Science degree

from the University of New South Wales, Professor Clark served in eight RAN ships

gaining a range of professional qualifications before leaving the Navy in 1979.”

Professor Clark was appointed from a competitive field of public and private sector

candidates, and will assume the role of Chief Defence Scientist in October 2008.

“His appointment follows the accomplished stewardship of Dr Roger Lough who led

DSTO over 4 years of modernisation and reform.  Amongst other achievements, Dr

Lough championed the use of simulation in Defence to undertake experiments and

test operational concepts at a fraction of existing costs, Mr Snowdon said.

“I also wish to acknowledge the acting Chief Defence Scientist Dr Ian Sare, and the

entire DSTO leadership team, for their excellent work during this time of transition.”

“I am confident that under the leadership of Professor Clark, DSTO will build upon

existing collaborations with industry and academia and continue the cutting-edge

research in fields ranging from hypersonic jet engines and quantum computing to

nano and biotechnology and materials research,” Mr Snowdon said.

Media contacts:

Kate Sieper (Warren Snowdon):

02 6277 7620 or 0488 484 689

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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