New Chair To Lead Defence Reserves Committee In South Australia

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10th March 2009, 03:58pm - Views: 801

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Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support

Tuesday, 10 March 2009




Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support, the Hon. Dr Mike Kelly, AM,

MP, has announced the appointment of the first female Chair of the South

Australian Committee of the Defence Reserves Support Council (DRSC), Dr

Pamela Schulz.

“Dr Schulz is a well-respected university lecturer, and a public relations and

community education professional, who will make an outstanding contribution

to the DRSC in South Australia,” Dr Kelly said.

“As a State Chair, Dr Schulz will be leading a committee that provides a link

between the Australian Defence Force, employers and the community from

which the Reserve force is drawn.

“Dr Schulz has held positions as a senior marketing and public relations

manager with a wide range of private and public sector organisations.  Her

focus has always been on communication and community and this will

continue in her new DRSC role.”

Dr Schulz is currently a private consultant in communication management and

has qualifications in social work, communication and education.  She is also a

lecturer in communications at the University of South Australia’s School of

Communications and International Studies.  She recently completed her

doctorate at the University of South Australia, focusing on public confidence in

the justice system, public relations and courts.

The DRSC aims to enhance the availability of the Reserve component of the

ADF by promoting the benefits of employing members of the Reserve.  It also

aims to establish a flexible partnership with the community and employers, so

they are encouraged to support those in the Reserve.

Each State and Territory has committees of the Council.  Some also have

committees in larger regional centres, such as Townsville.  Council members

are volunteers and include representatives from industry, small business,

trade unions, youth and other interested community groups.

Media contacts:

Mark Sjolander (Dr Mike Kelly):

02 6277 4840 or 0407 102 220

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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