New Adf Officer Aviation Remuneration Structure

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17th August 2009, 04:45pm - Views: 838

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Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science

Monday, 17 August 2009 



Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science today announced that

the independent Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal had approved a new remuneration

structure for Australian Defence Force officer aircrew and air traffic control officers.

“Remuneration outcomes are an important component of the total employment package

provided for the men and women of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) who have chosen to

serve their country,” Mr Combet said.

“The new Officer Aviation Remuneration Structure (OARS) introduces a flexible remuneration

system that ensures this specialist military workforce of over 2,000 members receives

comparable pay for comparable work against the aviation industry benchmark.”

“The ADF is currently facing the greatest capability acquisition program in its history and this

leading-edge remuneration system for officer aircrew and air traffic control officers will go a

long way to safeguard Defence’s substantial investment in this workforce.”

Mr Combet said that the major capability growth within Defence is in the acquisition of new

aircraft for the Navy, Army and Air Force. Successful introduction into service of these

systems will result in unprecedented air power capability for the ADF.

“Critical to the success of these acquisition programs is a dedicated and experienced

workforce that can not only continue to deliver capability, but also manage and contribute to

complex transition programs involving state-of-the art technologies."

“The Government recognises the need for highly-skilled and experienced aircrew and air

traffic control officers to ensure the successful introduction of these new capabilities,”

Mr Combet said.

“Aircrew and air traffic control skills are only accumulated over years of training, at significant

expense to Defence, and are highly sought by industry.”

“The new structure remunerates these aviation specialists appropriately and offers career and

other incentives to encourage them to continue serving in the ADF.”

Mr Combet said that the OARS was the final element of a major overhaul of the total ADF

remuneration system that started in 2002. 

“The ADF now has a contemporary remuneration base on which to grow the ADF and help

meet military capability needs."

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