Navy's Fleet Sails Into Action Off The East Coast

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16th February 2010, 05:55pm - Views: 1146

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6127 1999, Fax: 02 6265 1545

MSPA 039/10

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Navy’s Fleet sails into action off the East Coast

Eleven Australian Navy warships have sailed out of Sydney Harbour to begin an

intensive five-week war game stretching from Southern New South Wales to


The Fleet Concentration Period (FCP 10) is an annual event, designed to test and hone

the skills of thousands of men and women from the Royal Australian Navy (RAN)

and the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF).  The New Zealand Navy will also be on

show, with the giant multirole ship HMNZS Canterbury playing a key role in the



The exercise will begin at Jervis Bay, with anti-surface warfare serials, surface

gunnery against towed targets and naval gunfire support against shore batteries.  It

will then progress to more complex scenarios and the task group will head north to the

coast off Newcastle for comprehensive anti-air warfare manoeuvres against RAAF

Hawk aircraft.

Simultaneously, an amphibious ship, clearance divers and an Army combat team  will

conduct in-depth training within Queensland’s Shoalwater Bay Training Area,

culminating in an amphibious landing of soldiers from the 3rd Brigade (3 Bde). 

Whilst in Jervis Bay simulated mine clearance operations, utilising advanced

technological equipment and Navy divers, will occur.

Commodore Training, Commodore Daryl Bates, says it will be a very busy time for

the RAN.

“The training these ships will undertake over the next five weeks will be as

challenging as it is varied.  The aim is to make sure we are well prepared for the year

ahead,” Commodore Bates said.

FCP 10 is part of the RAN’s ongoing training program and will increase Australian

Defence Force capability to protect Australia and its interests.  In addition FCP 10

will strengthen defence relationships and improve interoperability with the Royal

New Zealand Navy.  It is a carefully planned activity and will be conducted within

strict environmental, safety and risk management constraints.

Media contact: Defence Media Liaison: (02) 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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