Navy's Fleet Concentration Period Sails Into Action

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9th February 2009, 12:23pm - Views: 811

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6265 3343, Fax: 02 62656946

MSPA 036/09

Monday, 9 February 2009



The Royal Australian Navy (RAN) will sail into action across the Eastern Australian

seaboard this week, as 21 ships and thousands of Officers and Sailors are put to the

test during the annual Fleet Concentration Period (FCP-09).

FCP-09 is a comprehensive six-week training program which challenges and

enhances RAN mariner and war-fighting skills.  This activity also provides an

opportunity for RAN ships to exercise with their Royal New Zealand Navy

counterparts and improve interoperability.

Adelaide Class guided missile frigates and ANZAC Class frigates will sharpen their

fighting skills and tactics through a series of warfare serials.  The frigates will be

joined by Collins Class submarines HMA Ships Farncomb and Waller to conduct

anti-submarine warfare exercises, in which Waller will provide a highly capable

adversary.  In later exercise scenarios, the frigates will be tasked with asset protection,

attempting to safely escort RAN supply vessels HMA Ships Sirius and Success.

The RAN’s amphibious capabilities will also be honed through exercises Squadex and

Sea Lion, conducted in waters off Townsville, Queensland.  In an unprecedented

event, all six of the RAN’s Heavy Landing Craft will exercise together along with

Australian Clearance Diving Team One, HMAS Kanimbla and HMNZS Canterbury.

Exercise Mulgogger will challenge the RAN’s expert mine countermeasure skills. 

Mine warfare and clearance diving units will neutralise practice mines in realistic

scenarios held in waters in and around Jervis Bay on the South Coast of NSW and

Garden Island WA.  Four Huon Class mine hunters and two Mine Sweeper Auxiliary

vessels will take part, along with Australian Clearance Diving Team Four.

FCP-09 will culminate in a highly realistic Warfare Exercise, in which all

participating units are brought together to play out a large-scale hypothetical scenario.

FCP-09 provides a vital contribution to the maintenance of Australian Defence Force

capability, protecting Australia and its interests.  The exercise is a carefully planned

activity and will be conducted within strict environmental, safety and risk

management constraints.

Media contact: Defence Media Liaison: 02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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