Navy's Air Defence Capability Grows Stronger

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18th December 2009, 06:14pm - Views: 718

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Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science

Friday, 18 December 2009



Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science today

announced that HMAS Melbourne has fired a Standard Missile (SM 2) in the

East Australian Exercise Area off Jervis Bay.  

“The launch of the SM 2 demonstrates an updated Naval Air Defence

capability for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), which will be further enhanced

over the next year,” Mr Combet said. 

“This missile firing was the first time a SM 2 has been fired from an Adelaide

class frigate. The missile was prepared, launched and supported in flight

before engaging a target. 

“HMAS Melbourne is an Adelaide class guided missile frigate (FFG) that has

completed the multi-million dollar FFG Upgrade Program and has recently

undergone additional SM-2 related alterations to its combat system.

“HMAS Melbourne is now equipped with two modern missile systems to

combat anti-ship missiles and aircraft. 

“The missile was fired from the Missile Launching System that has recently

been modified as part of the project to replace the SM 1 in the Upgraded FFG.

This firing is a significant achievement and provides confidence in the ship’s

updated weapon control system.


“The firing was supported by the combat system installed during the FFG

Upgrade Project with revised Weapon Control System software being

developed by an international team to employ the SM 2,” Mr Combet said.

Although variations of the Adelaide class guided missile frigates are in service

with many navies around the world, only the RAN Adelaide class FFG have

been fitted with SM 2. 

Media note: Vision and stills of the firing can be found at

Media contacts:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet):

02 6277 7620 or 0458 276 619

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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