Mou Signed For Kings Highway Improvement Around Hq Joint Operations Command

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3rd February 2009, 01:06pm - Views: 788

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Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support

Tuesday, 3 February 2009




Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support, the Hon. Dr Mike Kelly AM MP,

today announced that steps were being taken to improve road traffic issues

associated with the commissioning of Defence’s new Headquarters Joint

Operations Command (HQJOC) facility, located off the Kings Highway in

NSW, approximately 10km east of Queanbeyan.

“As a result of the new HQJOC facility coming online, there is a significant

increase in road traffic on the Kings Highway between the site and

Queanbeyan, and to a lesser extent to the east towards Bungendore,” Dr

Kelly said.

“I am pleased to announce that a memorandum of understanding (MOU) has

been signed between Defence and the Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA)

NSW, which provides for a program of works for safety and efficiency

improvements to critical sections of the Kings Highway.

“The Australian Government is committing $23.3 million as a contribution to

the upgrade, with Defence committing $16.3 million to RTA NSW, and $7

million to Roads ACT.”

Dr Kelly said that in addition to these works, the Government had allocated

$100,000 for the Queanbeyan Network Model as an election commitment, and

this has been completed by the Queanbeyan City Council.

“The benefits of the upgrade works are substantial for both the local

community and the new users of HQJOC, and will substantially improve the

safety and ease of use of motorists along the Kings Highway,” Dr Kelly said.

Works have commenced and are scheduled to be completed by 2011.  

The RTA NSW and Roads ACT have agreed to undertake the works within

their respective jurisdictions and Defence will continue discussions with both

authorities to progress an agreed scope and timeframe for implementation of

the works.

The official opening of HQJOC will occur in March 2009.

Media contacts:

Mark Sjolander (Dr Mike Kelly):

02 6277 4840 or 0407 102 220

Brigadier Wayne Budd (DG HQJOC Project):

02 6266 8140

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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