Mission Accomplished - Hmas Arunta Heads Home

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23rd April 2008, 12:28pm - Views: 861

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Issued by Coordination and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6265 3343, Fax: 02 62656946

CPA 099/08

Wednesday, 23 April 2008


HMAS Arunta is on her way home to Australia after officially handing over to HMAS Stuart

in the Arabian Gulf.

Arunta’s deployment to the Middle East Area of Operation lasted six months and yielded

some interesting statistics.  The ship steamed more than 21,000 nautical miles, conducted 500

queries, 110 surface searches and 35 security sweeps in the Gulf.

The ship’s company of 183 consumed 82,000 meals, received 4000 kg of mail and sent or

received 80,000 e-mails during the deployment.  Eight promotions were confirmed while

Arunta was away and four fathers will see their newborn babies for the first time when the

ship docks in Western Australia.

Work continued right up to the end for the ANZAC-class frigate.  A giant western flagged

super tanker was the last civilian ship to be inspected by the Australians.

Each member of the boarding team is armed with a pistol or a shotgun.  The ship’s Seahawk

helicopter hovers above, keeping a watchful eye on the pair of ‘RHIBs’ (Rigid Hulled

Inflatable Boats) as they skim across the water towards their target.  The mission is to check

the vessel for explosives and contraband before it docks at one of Iraq’s two key oil rigs.

The approach is the most dangerous part of the task.  Officer in Charge, Lieutenant Gideon

Creech reminds his crew not to drop their game.  On board, the Australians fan out, checking

identities of those on the tanker and searching for anything suspicious.  Once the all clear is

given, Arunta’s boarding party forms a protective cordon as one by one they climb back

onboard the RHIBs and return to their ship, allowing the tanker to continue on her way.

Oil makes up 80 per cent of Iraq’s fragile economy and the Royal Australian Navy’s

contribution to its security is vital.

“Australia’s work up here is very, very important, and it’s vital that everyone keeps that

firmly at the forefront of their minds,” Lieutenant Creech said.

HMAS Stuart will take up where Arunta left off, the latest in a long line of Australian Navy

ships helping to safeguard Iraq’s economy and its future.  Arunta is expected to dock at Fleet

Base West, HMAS Stirling on Mothers’ Day, 11 May 2008.

Media note: Imagery will be fed to Parliament House. Still imagery is available at

Media contact: Defence Media Liaison: 02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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