Minister For Defence Spends Anzac Day With Troops In Afghanistan

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25th April 2009, 06:07pm - Views: 760

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Minister for Defence

Saturday, 25 April 2009





The Minister for Defence, the Hon. Joel Fitzgibbon MP has today spent Anzac Day in

Afghanistan with Australian troops, after an earlier stopover to visit Australian forces on

deployment to the Middle East.

Mr Fitzgibbon attended a Dawn Service to commemorate Anzac Day at Tarin Kowt and spent

time with troops at the base. He was joined by Mr Keith Payne, a Victoria Cross winner for his

courageous actions in Vietnam, as they stood side by side with Australian troops to remember

those who have paid the ultimate price in service to our nation.

“The Anzac spirit is epitomised in the courage and valour of our troops who are operating in

challenging environments in Afghanistan and around the world. We should all be grateful for

the efforts and sacrifices these fine men and women make on our behalf,” Mr Fitzgibbon said.

“It was a tremendous honour and privilege for me to spend Anzac Day with Australian troops

on operations in Afghanistan, and to honour the sacrifices of fallen Australian soldiers with a

Dawn Service here in Tarin Kowt.”

Mr Fitzgibbon also accompanied troops “outside the wire”, meeting with Australian and

Afghan troops that are working together in remote locations in Oruzgan as well as visiting a

number of reconstruction projects that Australian troops have been working on with local

Afghan tradesmen and the Afghan military.

“My visit to these areas provided a unique opportunity to see the progress being made by

Australian forces in building the capacity of the Afghan National Army and helping Afghans

rebuild their country,” Mr Fitzgibbon said.

“I now have an even greater appreciation of the challenges confronting our troops, and of the

dangers faced in conducting these important operations.”

Assisting Afghan National Security Forces in securing their own country remains a key

International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) objective and is critical to the security of the

whole region.

“Australia is committed to ensuring success of this strategy along side our ISAF partners.”

Mr Fitzgibbon also met with key Afghan and ISAF officials to exchange views on security in

Afghanistan, particularly in the lead up to the 20 August national elections, and to discuss a

broad range of operational issues.

Mr Fitzgibbon also met with the Commander of Regional Command (South), Major General

Mart de Kruif, to discussed operational issues in the south of Afghanistan including the

impending influx of forces from the United States.

Media contacts:

Christian Taubenschlag (Joel Fitzgibbon):

02 6277 7800 or 0438 595 567

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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