Minister For Defence Meets With Nato Defence Ministers In Istanbul

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6th February 2010, 02:29pm - Views: 785

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Minister for Defence

Saturday, 6 February 2010


Minister for Defence meets with NATO 

Defence Ministers in Istanbul

The Minister for Defence, Senator John Faulkner, underlined Australia’s

commitment to the security and stability of Afghanistan during the North

Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and non-NATO International Security

Assistance Force (ISAF) Defence Minister’s meeting in Istanbul today.

Defence Ministers from ISAF contributing nations met to discuss the

international effort in Afghanistan, focusing on ISAF implementation of

President Obama’s new strategy.  

Senator Faulkner took the opportunity to reinforce Australia’s commitment in

Afghanistan, and the expectation that Australia would continue to be

consulted in NATO decision-making processes.

The new strategy aims to strengthen the capacity of the Afghan Government

and Afghan National Security Forces to take responsibility for security in


Senator Faulkner said the meeting was a valuable opportunity for nations to

discuss how best their contributions could align with, and support, the new


“Australia’s own commitment of around 1550 troops - focussed on training the

Afghan National Army in Oruzgan Province - aligns closely with this strategy. 

“NATO and ISAF are working to help develop a detailed plan for a conditions-

based transition to Afghan-led security.

“It was important for Australia to participate in these talks to ensure our

interests in Afghanistan continue to be met.”

Senator Faulkner also met with a range of Ministerial counterparts from

Regional Command (South) to discuss the year ahead, including the focus on

training of the Afghan National Security Forces. 

Media contacts:

Colin Campbell (John Faulkner):

02 6277 7800 or 0407 787 181

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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