Minister For Defence Meets With Nato Defence Heads In Slovakia

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25th October 2009, 11:27am - Views: 767

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Minister for Defence

Sunday, 25 October 2009




The Minister for Defence, Senator John Faulkner, met with his NATO and non-NATO

counterparts in Bratislava, Slovakia, on Friday to discuss the international

community’s efforts in Afghanistan.

Defence Ministers from the 43 International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) nations

discussed NATO’s strategic planning framework for Afghanistan for the coming year.  

Central to these discussions was Commander ISAF General Stanley McChrystal’s

Assessment of the campaign; the need to support the ongoing growth and

development of the Afghan National Security Forces; and the importance of

complementing our military efforts with civil assistance and governance

improvements at all levels.

Senator Faulkner said, “This meeting provided me with an opportunity to clearly

outline Australia’s commitment in Afghanistan. I emphasised our focus on training

and mentoring the Afghan National Army 4th Brigade in Oruzgan until they are able to

take responsibility for the security and stability of the province”.

Senator Faulkner expressed his appreciation for the valuable leadership and

enabling role played by the Dutch in Oruzgan and urged NATO to speedily resolve

the issue of replacing the Dutch combat and support elements in the province

following their planned withdrawal in August next year. 

Following the ISAF meeting, Senator Faulkner chaired a meeting of Regional

Command (South) Ministers to discuss issues of particular relevance to RC (South). 

Participants included US Secretary for Defense Dr Robert Gates, UK Secretary of

State for Defence, Robert Ainsworth, General McChrystal and NATO Assistant

Secretary General Martin Howard.

Senator Faulkner also had separate bilateral meetings with key counterparts,

including Dr Gates; Secretary Ainsworth; NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh

Rasmussen; the Netherlands’ Minister for Defence, Eimert van Middelkoop; the

Afghan Minister for Defence, General Abdul Rahim Wardak; the Canadian Minister of

National Defence, Peter MacKay and the New Zealand Minister of Defence, Dr

Wayne Mapp.  

Media contacts:

Michael Nguyen (John Faulkner):

02 6277 7800 or 0429 571 843

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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