Minister For Defence Meets With General Craddock - Nato Supreme Allied Commander Europe

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27th August 2008, 06:07pm - Views: 817

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Minister for Defence

Wednesday, 27 August 2008





The Minister for Defence, the Hon Joel Fitzgibbon MP, today met with NATO’s

Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General Bantz (‘John’) Craddock.

As Supreme Allied Commander, General Craddock is responsible for the

development of NATO strategic and operational planning and the

determination of force requirements for the deployment and exercise of NATO


Today’s meeting offered an opportunity to discuss the current security

situation and outlook in Afghanistan and to speak frankly about the need to

improve progress.

Australia currently provides the largest non-NATO country commitment in

Afghanistan and is among the 10 largest military contributors to ISAF.

“NATO is the world leader in sustaining global defence operations.  Australia’s

strong practical relationship with NATO reflects our overlapping security

interests in the current global security environment, and new areas of

cooperation have arisen as a result of NATO’s expanding operational

agenda,” Mr Fitzgibbon said.

Earlier this year, the Minister accompanied the Prime Minister to the NATO

Summit in Bucharest, where they provided Australian input to NATO’s

development of a coherent and long-term strategy for the future peace and

stability of Afghanistan.  A new integrated civilian and military strategy for

dealing with the challenge in Afghanistan was agreed for the first time, with

the NATO partners.

“The strategy seeks to strengthen Afghanistan’s institutions, particularly

accelerating the growth of the Afghan National Security Forces, improving

living conditions, and developing critical security infrastructure for Oruzgan

Province,” Mr Fitzgibbon said.

Mr Fitzgibbon and General Craddock agreed that the international effort to

restore stability represents a mission of great importance – not only for the

Afghan people but also for its contribution to global security.

Australia has made positive progress in disrupting insurgent operations in

Oruzgan Province.  Successes this month include the capture on 4 August

2008 of the Taliban extremist ‘Shadow Governor’ for Oruzgan Province, who

was responsible for coordinating a campaign of intimidation and violence

against the province’s population; and a successful operation on 12 August

2008 against a senior provincial Taliban extremist commander, who had

recently equipped several suicide bombers who had struck civilian and

security facilities, resulting in the murder of innocent Afghan citizens.

Our cooperation with NATO has been marked by a number of recent

initiatives, including increased involvement in and access to planning, training

and other activities previously only available to NATO members and partner


In June this year, NATO participated in Exercise Pitch Black – a biennial

exercise that provides the highest level of Air Force collective training in

Offensive and Defensive Counter Air operations – for the first time.

“While Australia enjoys longstanding close Defence relations with a number of

NATO Member countries, this was the first time we have exercised with NATO

assets in Australia,” Mr Fitzgibbon said.

Earlier this month, the NATO Secretary-General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer

praised Australia’s contribution to the war in Afghanistan during a visit to

diggers in a remote outpost in the Baluchi region of Oruzgan Province.

Media contacts:

Christian Taubenschlag (Joel Fitzgibbon):

02 6277 7800 or 0438 595 567

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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