Minister For Defence Meets Us Secretary In Poland

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20th February 2009, 02:04am - Views: 796

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Minister for Defence

Friday, 20 February 2009




The Minister for Defence, Mr Joel Fitzgibbon, today met with his United States

counterpart, Secretary of Defense Dr Robert Gates, in Krakow, Poland to discuss

the future of Afghanistan and a number of bilateral issues. 

“It has been a pleasure to meet with Dr Gates again and exchange views on

common security challenges,” said Mr Fitzgibbon. 

“It was an invaluable opportunity to discuss our shared commitment to helping the

international community build a secure and stable Afghanistan.”

Mr Fitzgibbon and Dr Gates also discussed NATO’s long term strategy for

Afghanistan, particularly the influx of US troops to occur in 2009.

“Australia welcomes the US’s increased focus on Afghanistan, particularly during

what will be an important year in the war-torn country,” said Mr Fitzgibbon. 

“An increased security presence will assist the international community in

reinforcing the conditions required for reconstruction and development.”

Mr Fitzgibbon and Secretary Gates were in Krakow to attend the meetings of

NATO and ISAF Defence Ministers, a forum for all nations contributing forces to

Afghanistan to discuss progress.

“Australia values the opportunity to engage with ISAF nations in a NATO format,

and discuss progress made on achieving our shared goals” said Mr Fitzgibbon. 

Mr Fitzgibbon and Dr Gates attended an ISAF working session with other ISAF

Defence Ministers, followed later in the evening by a reception hosted by the

Polish Prime Minister.

Mr Fitzgibbon also met with a number of other key ISAF counterparts during his

visit, including Dutch Minister of Defence Eimert van Middelkoop, Afghan Minister

for Defence General Abdul Rahim Wardak, Canadian Minister of Defence Peter

MacKay and UK Secretary of State for Defence John Hutton.

Media contacts:

Christian Taubenschlag (Joel Fitzgibbon):

02 6277 7800 or 0438 595 567

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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