Minister For Defence Attends Foreign Defence Ministers Meeting In Malaysia

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1st June 2009, 06:03pm - Views: 772

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Minister for Defence

Monday, 01 June 2009 




The Minister for Defence, the Hon. Joel Fitzgibbon MP, has today attended

the seventh Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA) Defence Ministers’

Meeting, held in Kuala Lumpur and chaired by Malaysia’s Minister of Defence,

Dato’ Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid bin Hamidi.   

“I thank Malaysia for hosting this meeting, and the opportunity to discuss the

FPDA with my counterparts,” Mr Fitzgibbon said.

The meeting was also attended by The Hon. Mr Teo Chee Hean, Deputy

Prime Minister and Minister for Defence, Singapore, the Hon. Dr Wayne

Mapp, Minister of Defence, New Zealand;, and The Right Hon. Baroness Ann

Taylor, Minister for International Defence and Security, United Kingdom.

Mr Fitzgibbon reiterated Australia’s strong commitment to the FPDA, which is

reaffirmed in the 2009 Defence White Paper. He also underlined the

importance of being optimistic but not complacent in regard to the Asia Pacific

region’s growing stability.

It was acknowledged that the operational capability of all members was

enhanced through the FPDA framework, and its longevity has been testament

to the FPDA’s abilty to adapt to meet the challenges of changing


“All our nations face shared strategic interests in the region – maritime

security, the ongoing threat of terrorism, climate change, and the possibility of

humanitarian disaster,” Mr Fitzgibbon said.

“The Five Power Defence Arrangements remains relevant to all its members

as an important mechanism to improve our shared effectiveness in response

to both conventional and unconventional threats to our security. Australia

remains strongly committed to the security framework provided by the FPDA"

Mr Fitzgibbon said.

Media Contacts:

Clare Enyi (Joel Fitzgibbon): 

02 6277 7800 or 0404 893 565

Defence Media Liaison: 

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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