Minister Delivers Address To Brookings Institution

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16th July 2008, 10:42am - Views: 807

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Minister for Defence

Wednesday, 16 Jul 2008




On 15 July 2008 in Washington, the Minister for Defence, the Hon. Joel Fitzgibbon

MP, delivered an address to the Brookings Institution, a leading international think-

tank devoted to independent research and innovative policy on global issues.

The Minister used his address to emphasise the value of the Australia-US alliance to

both nations and the Australian government’s commitment to further strengthen the

already close relationship.  The Minister also paid tribute to the men and women from

both countries that have served, and are still serving, together on joint operations.

“The grave nature of the challenges we've faced together have ensured that the

relationship between our countries is closer than ever before.” Mr Fitzgibbon said.

Mr Fitzgibbon reinforced Australia’s long-term commitment to Afghanistan and once

again called for an increased involvement from the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

(NATO).  “Like the US, we hope NATO can increase its commitment over the long


In his speech the Minister noted the importance of a continuing strong United States

role in regional defence and security cooperation in the Asia-Pacific, and Australia’s

desire to work with the US to develop stronger relationships with regional partners.

Mr Fitzgibbon said that greater practical cooperation between regional partners in the

Asia-Pacific, including with Japan and Indonesia has the potential to make a

considerable contribution to regional peace and security.

In light of the Government’s announcement that it will seek a non-permanent seat on

the United Nations (UN) Security Council the Minister emphasised the importance of

cooperation in the wider global arena, and highlighted Australia’s support of the UN

and its vital work.

“Problems facing us today - terrorism, transnational crime, pandemics, global

warming - do not respect national borders.  The challenges can only be met with a

network of global responses.”

Mr Fitzgibbon concluded his speech by again emphasising the importance of the

alliance relationship.  “It is my intent and the intent of the Government to not only

maintain the alliance relationship, but to seek to push our engagement to a new

deeper level.”

Media contacts:

Christian Taubenschlag (Joel Fitzgibbon):

02 6277 7800 or 0438 595 567

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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