Lgc Forensics Wins Fromelles Dna Contract

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17th June 2009, 04:56pm - Views: 843

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Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science


Minister for Veterans’ Affairs


Wednesday, 17 June 2009


Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science, and Alan

Griffin, Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, today announced that LGC Forensics has

been awarded the contract to analyse viable DNA from the remains of up to 400

World War One British and Australian soldiers found in Fromelles, France.

“The awarding of this contract marks the next step in the process in identifying

those Australian and British soldiers who fought and died on 19 and 20 July 1916

at the battle of Fromelles,” said Mr Combet. 

“The United Kingdom and Australian Governments are jointly committed to

honouring the service of these World War One British and Australian soldiers.  The

Australian Government will take every reasonable measure towards identifying

these brave soldiers.” 

“The Commonwealth War Graves Commission is overseeing the project on behalf

of the UK and Australian Governments and has engaged LGC Forensics to

undertake the DNA analysis.  LGC Forensics provided the best solution to the

specific project requirements.” 

LGC Forensics commenced a pilot study in early May to determine viability of the

DNA in the remains. It is anticipated that the results of this pilot study will be

available by the end of June 2009. 

All descendants who have registered their details with the Fromelles Project will be

contacted soon by the Australian Government.  This will occur regardless of

whether the pilot study finds viable DNA or not. 

“Due to the complex nature of the identification and cemetery construction process,

none of the remains will be identified prior to reburial.  As such all soldiers will be

initially reinterred as ‘unknown’,” said Mr Griffin.   

“The scientific process will run concurrently with the reinterment of the remains in

the new Commonwealth War Graves Commission Fromelles (Pheasant Wood)

Military Cemetery.  The reinterment is expected to commence on 30 January


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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6265 3343, Fax: 02 62656946

“The cemetery will be the first of its kind constructed in over 50 years with the

intention that a military funeral will be held on the 2010 anniversary of the Battle of

Fromelles. Wherever it is possible to identify the remains, named graves will be



The group burial at Pheasant Wood was confirmed during a limited excavation in

May 2008 which was contracted by the Australian Government.  It is believed up to

400 Australian and British soldiers were buried there by German forces following

the Battle of Fromelles in July 1916.

The Battle of Fromelles began on 19 July, 19 days after the opening of the Somme

campaign, and was the first battle fought by Australians on the Western Front.  It is

known as Australia’s bloodiest 24 hours with 5533 Fifth Australian Division


Archaeological excavation of the site was contracted to Oxford Archaeology and

commenced in May 2009.  Individual reinterment of remains at the new

Commonwealth War Graves Commission Fromelles (Pheasant Wood) Military

Cemetery is expected to be commenced early in 2010.  The Commonwealth War

Graves Commission is overseeing the excavation on behalf of both the Australian

and United Kingdom Governments.

For ongoing project updates or to register your details if you believe you may be

related to a soldier buried at Pheasant Wood, go to www.army.gov.au/fromelles

or call 1800 019 090.

Media contact:  

Rod Hilton: (Greg Combet) 02 6277 7620 or 0458 276 619

Belinda Cole: (Alan Griffin) 02 6277 7820  

Defence Media Liaison: 02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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