Launch Of New Submarine Facility In Wa

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30th April 2008, 04:43pm - Views: 779

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Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Procurement

Wednesday, 30 April 2008



Greg Combet, the Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Procurement, today attended

the launch of the new ASC West Facility in Western Australia.

The new facility represents an amalgamation of three service facilities into one

consolidated state-of-the-art submarine support facility at the Australian Marine

Complex at Henderson.  

The facility will allow for the conduct of submarine maintenance and capability

enhancements to be conducted in an undercover and modern environment. 

Mr Combet said the launch was, “A pivotal milestone for Australia’s submarine

community which represented a much needed and significant step forward, delivering

a world-class submarine maintenance facility in Western Australia.”

He said, “ASC West represents a major step forward in delivering greater capability

and availability, while enabling more efficient sustainment and better value for money

for the Commonwealth.”

“The billion dollar Collins Class submarines have, to date, had to be maintained in

very difficult conditions, open to dust, sand and weather.

“When ASC West becomes fully-operational next year, ASC will be better equipped

to respond quickly to Navy requirements.  A quicker turnaround time can only result

in a better meeting of Navy’s demanding operational requirements for the

submarines,” he said.

Mr Combet also thanked Alan Carpenter and the Western Australian Government for

their significant contribution.

“The common user infrastructure that is being developed is fundamental to enabling

ASC West to exist and undertake submarine maintenance in a dedicated and

consolidated state-of-the-art support facility.

“Key enabling infrastructure, including a floating dock, a transfer system and wharf

extensions will allow ASC to undertake its submarine maintenance tasks more

effectively and efficiently than ever before,” he said.

Media contacts:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet): 

02 6277 4771 or 0458 276 619

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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