Kapooka Military Area Sports Challenge Round 3 - Soccer

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8th October 2010, 05:13pm - Views: 1273

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6127 1999, Fax: 02 6265 1545

MSPA 474/10 

Friday, 8 October 2010

Kapooka Military Area Sports Challenge Round 3 – Soccer


The ADCU Challenge Soccer tournament at Kapooka. 


The Soccer Field at the Kapooka Military Area.

When:        Wednesday 13 October 10.


1.00pm on Wednesday 13 Oct 10.


The Anuual ADCU Challenge sporting series is in full swing and after a very

successful Tug of War and Cross Country, the next sport on the cards is Soccer.

Seven teams will vie for the title of champion and each will have the chance to put

their football skills to the test and vie for the title of KMA Champions. Teams are

made up from the staff of each unit on base with some units 

Media Contacts:

CAPT Thomas Monks-Corrigan 02 6933 8218. Please contact by 12 Oct 10 to arrange

timings for attendance.

Up to the minute information on Australian Defence Force operations is now

available on Twitter at twitter.com/AusDefenceForce


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