Kangaroo Management At The Majura Training Area, Act

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8th May 2009, 06:17pm - Views: 801

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6265 3343, Fax: 02 62656946

MSPA 153/09

Friday, 08 May 2009



The Department of Defence is committed to sustainable environmental management by

meeting its obligations to protect endangered ecological communities and threatened

species and humanely managing those species that are over-abundant.

Defence has been working closely with a range of stakeholders to sustain a balance within

the ecosystem in the Majura Valley, ACT. Defence’s Majura Training Area as part of this

region is currently over populated by kangaroos that are posing a threat to endangered

flora and fauna. 

Fencing around endangered natural temperate grasslands at the Majura Training Area has

been erected to provide short-term protection from overgrazing by kangaroos.

Defence has commenced culling the over-abundant population of kangaroos to bring that

population to a sustainable level. Culling is being managed humanely in accordance with

legislative and codes of practice requirements.

The cull is expected to occur intermittently until the end of the 2009 ACT culling period

in July to reach a sustainable kangaroo population. This is based on strong scientific

evidence outlined in the ACT Lowland Native Grasslands report released in March by the

ACT Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment. Defence monitoring also

indicates that kangaroo numbers are currently three times the carrying capacity of the

Majura site and must be reduced.

The Defence cull is being coordinated with a number of landowners who are carrying out

culling activities on neighbouring properties.

Defence continues to work closely with the ACT Government and will make a

submission to the ACT Government’s draft Kangaroo Management Plan. The ACT

Government’s plan will inform Defence’s long-term strategy for kangaroo management at

the Majura Training Area.

Defence continues to consult with the ACT Government, the RSPCA and adjoining

landowners regarding kangaroo management issues within the wider Majura Valley.

General enquiries: Defence Kangaroo info-line (business hours only), 1800 816 231 or


Media contact: Defence Media Liaison: 02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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