Joint Statement Senator John Faulkner And General Guo Boxiong

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15th May 2010, 12:32am - Views: 1029

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Minister for Defence

Friday, 14 May 2010









At the invitation of the Minister for Defence of the Commonwealth of Australia,

Senator John Faulkner, General Guo Boxiong, Vice Chairman of the Central

Military Commission of the People’s Republic of China arrived in Sydney on

11 May 2010 for a four-day official goodwill visit to Australia.  On 13 May in

Canberra, General Guo met with the Hon. Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister of

Australia, the Hon. Stephen Smith, Minister for Foreign Affairs and held talks

with the Minister for Defence, Senator John Faulkner.  

General Guo was accompanied by senior officers from the Chinese People’s

Liberation Army, including Vice Admiral Sun Jianguo, Deputy Chief of General

Staff, Lieutenant General Xu Fenlin, Commander of the Guangzhou Military

Region, Lieutenant General Ding Jiye, Deputy Chief of the General Logistics

Department, Lieutenant General (AF) Wang Wei, Deputy Political Commissar

of the Air Force, Lieutenant General Wang Jiurong, Deputy Commander of the

Second Artillery Force, Major General Qian Lihua, Chief of the Foreign Affairs

Office, Ministry of National Defence, and Major General Wang Ning, Army

Corps Commander.

The two sides exchanged in-depth views on state-to-state and military-to-

military relations and on issues of mutual interest. The Minister for Defence,

Senator Faulkner, and General Guo agreed to build on existing areas of

defence dialogue and cooperation and further deepen bilateral ties. 

Both sides acknowledged shared interests and a desire to ensure peace,

stability and development in the Asia-Pacific region. The Minister for Defence,

Senator Faulkner, and General Guo also acknowledged the importance of

maritime safety and security in keeping maritime trade routes open.

The two sides acknowledged the developments in the military-to-military

relationship over recent years and held that positive outcomes have been

achieved in senior visits and exchanges in education, training and technical

areas.  Both sides agreed that strengthening open dialogue on defence and

security issues between Australia and China is conducive to promoting

bilateral relations.

Australia and China were pleased with the outcomes of the visit and the

opportunity it provided to strengthen further our bilateral ties and military-to-

military exchanges.  Both sides held the view that the Australia-China defence

relationship constitutes an important part of the overall relationship.  The two

sides will make concerted efforts to sustain sound and stable development of

defence relations.  Both sides should respect and take into full consideration

the core interests and major concerns of each other, and conduct relations on

the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit.  Both sides agreed to

enhance defence exchanges and dialogue in several key areas.

The Minister for Defence, Senator Faulkner, and General Guo noted that

senior military visits and practical exchanges have facilitated the development

of a fruitful and mature relationship.  It was agreed to further enhance senior

military visits, following previous reciprocal visits by senior defence officials. 

The Minister for Defence, Senator Faulkner, will visit China later this year. 

The Chief of the Australian Defence Force Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston

and Secretary of Defence Dr. Ian Watt will also visit Beijing to conduct the 13th

Defence Strategic Dialogue in the second half of the year.  The Chief of Navy

and Chief of Army of Australia both look forward to hosting a visit by their

respective counterparts.

Australia and China look forward to continuing exchanges on humanitarian

assistance and disaster relief, and agreed to explore areas for enhanced

dialogue and cooperation in this field. 

It was also agreed to organise a maritime joint exercise in conjunction with a

naval ship visit to build on the previous maritime exercise held in 2007.

Both sides agreed to enhance exchanges between the two armies.

Both sides agreed to enhance exchanges of mid-level and junior officers and

in the areas of information sharing, peace-keeping, medicine and sports.

The Minister for Defence, Senator Faulkner, and General Guo acknowledged

the importance of building mutual trust and agreed to consult further on ways

to increase transparency in defence policy between Australia and China.

General Guo also held further discussions with Air Chief Marshal Angus

Houston and Secretary of Defence Dr. Ian Watt at Russell Hill in Canberra

and visited Holsworthy Barracks, HMAS Watson and the Australian Defence


Done in duplicate in both English and Chinese Languages, this joint statement

was signed on 14 May 2010 in Canberra, both texts being equally authentic.

Media contacts:

Colin Campbell (John Faulkner):

02 6277 7800 or 0407 787 181

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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