Insurgent Leader Mullah Abdul Bari Killed In Oruzgan

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1st April 2009, 04:47pm - Views: 836

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6265 3343, Fax: 02 62656946

MSPA 120/09

Wednesday, 1 April 2009



A senior Taliban insurgent leader who was known to have facilitated Improvised

Explosive Device (IED) and suicide bomb attacks in Oruzgan province has been

killed in an operation by Australian Special Forces and Afghan National Army troops.

The Chief of Joint Operations, Lieutenant General Mark Evans, said Mullah Abdul

Bari was known to have controlled suicide bombers, the training of foreign fighters

and distribution of weapons.

“He was also identified as a primary IED facilitator and was responsible for the

coordination of device emplacement in the province.  His weapons of choice were

road-side bombs and suicide bombers, and his death means that Taliban insurgents

operating in the region have lost one of their key facilitators,” Lieutenant General

Evans said.

“The removal of Mullah Abdul Bari will significantly disrupt Taliban insurgent

efforts to conduct actions that injure and kill Afghan and coalition troops.

“Mullah Bari has also been confirmed to have been directly involved in the placement

of the improvised explosive devices which have targeted Australian troops.”

Lieutenant General Evans said the recent operation also killed several other Taliban


“The operation received the necessary International Security Assistance Force

approvals and was conducted in accordance with the Laws of Armed Conflict and

Rules of Engagement.

“This operation will contribute to a safer, more stable environment for the people of

Oruzgan,” Lieutenant General Evans said.

Media note: Audio grabs of Lieutenant General Mark Evans will be available from

Media contact: Defence Media Liaison (02) 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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