Improving The Mental Health Of Adf Members In North Queensland

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27th August 2009, 04:30pm - Views: 817

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Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science

Thursday, 27 Aug 2009




The Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science, the Hon Greg Combet AM

MP, today announced the relocation of psychological services and resources for ADF

members to Lavarack Barracks, as part of a broader strategy to improve mental

health services for ADF personnel in North Queensland.

The Psychology Support Section – North Queensland (PSS-NQ) will now be located

at Lavarack Barracks which will mean that ADF members at Lavarack will have

greater access to mental health professionals.

“The move will provide better access for ADF members to other health and support

personnel including nurses, doctors, social workers, and chaplains,” Mr Combet said.

“This is the first step in a series of events that will unfold in Townsville over the next

12 months as a result of Professor David Dunt’s review of ADF mental health care.

“The move announced today is a significant step towards the implementation of a

Primary Mental Health Care Multidisciplinary Team at the Barracks giving ADF

members quick access to care when they need it, and at their workplace.

“In addition to the new Primary Mental Health Care Multidisciplinary Team, a new

Regional Mental Health Team will be established at Lavarack Barracks within the

next 12 months.

“The Regional Mental Health Team will provide secondary level mental health

services including outpatient treatment programs, supervision of more complex

cases, and the delivery and coordination of mental health training for ADF personnel.

“The Regional Mental Health Team will be created with a Coordinator and a minimum

of three other professionals, including a clinical psychologist,” Mr Combet said.

The Rudd Government has allocated $83 million over the next four years to start a

major program of reform across Defence in the area of mental health which will

include the provision of improved mental health governance and policy, enhancing

the mental health workforce, improving training for ADF personnel and providers, and

enhancing prevention strategies.

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Media contacts:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet):

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